Through the Telephone Lines: Favorite Films

Hello everyone!

I’m always on the lookout for movie recommendations, so I decided to ask some of my friends what their favorite films are! I also wanted to try and show that everyone can find a connection to classic films or to a different time period. The only limitations I gave were that the film can either be from the 90’s or before or that the film is set in a later time period. Here are some of their answers!


Sarah is my coworker, so during our free time, I asked her about her favorite classic or period film. Here favorite is Pride & Prejudice from 2005 (which is an amazing movie if you haven’t seen it). It’s her favorite simply because of the atmosphere it creates. 19th century style and culture is portrayed beautifully in this film. The way the characters speak, the dancing sequences, and the historical outfits all caught Sarah’s attention. If you would like to watch it, it’s on Netflix!


Zora’s favorite classic film is also one of mine. It’s a Wonderful Life from 1946 is a must watch especially during Christmas. The film explores the impact that each individual has on the world and how his or her life is so valuable. Zora loves the message behind the movie as well as the 1940’s outfits and sets. Overall, it’s a great feel good movie that she loves to watch with her family during Christmas time.


Sydney is back again! Sydney’s favorite film is Meet Me in St. Louis from 1944. Again, this is another one of my favorite films! The movie explores the life of a family living in St. Louis during the time of the 1904 World’s Fair. Sydney’s favorite part is watching the four sisters interact with each other over the span of a year. Sydney is exceptionally close with her sister, Elly, who we met in a later post. Whether you have sisters or not, you’ll enjoy this film!


Lastly, I spoke with my boss, Sadaris! Sad’s favorite classic films are the Star Wars films which started in 1977. He told me about how he loves the involved storyline and how the saga continues on as the movies go along. The early forms of special effects are also entertaining to watch! I would like to point out that he asked to pose dramatically, which I think matches the valiant feel of the Star Wars films!

I think that a person’s favorite movie says a lot about them as a person, so it was so fun interviewing everyone! I also believe that everyone can find a film, whether old or set back in time, that catches their interest.

Classically, Sofia.

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