Classic Hobbies to Pick Up This Season

Happy Friday everyone!

With school winding down, I’m about to have a lot more free time on my hands. If you’re in the same situation, look no further! Here is a list of some of my favorite classic past times that will keep you entertained during the break (or whenever)!


Whether you decide to cross-stitch, knit, or embroider, needlework is a relaxing yet productive past time. I’m always in search of something to do mindlessly while watching a movie or listening to music. Though needle work isn’t completely mindless, it is very calming. You can buy starter kits for any of these techniques at your local craft store! I’ve been cross-stitching a rose since the summer. Your needlework creations can also make great Christmas gifts! Imagine giving a loved one a cozy, handmade scarf! Perfect!

Reading Classics

Sure, reading sounds like an obvious pastime, but don’t overlook the classics! Especially for vintage lovers, picking up a book like The Great Gatsby, Pride & Prejudice, or Little Women can be really eye opening! As the reader, you get to visit the authors’ imagination and understand ideas from hundreds of years ago. You are even able to learn details from the characters’ lives that act as windows to how life might have actually been in the 19th or 20th centuries. There are plenty of lists online consisting of some of literature’s most classic works. Check a couple out from your local library, and begin reading!


Baking is another great hobby perfect for the upcoming season! One of my favorite things to do is find old recipes whether they’re online or from cookbooks found in antique stores. I choose a couple of recipes that I like, and then I recreate them! I found one from the 1930s on how to make homemade pumpkin spice ice cream! I personally find it more fun to bake desserts, but you can also explore cooking options as well! Your baked goods will also make perfect Christmas gifts or Thanksgiving dishes!

Watching Films

Use your free time to explore movies! The world of film is much more vast than people think. If you like thrillers and suspense, Hitchcock films are perfect for you! A couple of my favorites include Rear Window, Psycho, and North by Northwest. There is also an incredible variety of musicals like Singin’ in the Rain and Meet Me in St. Louis. With Christmas coming up, explore some of the Christmas classics, too! Here are a couple to get you started: It’s a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, Holiday Inn, Christmas in Connecticut, and Miracle on 34th Street. Happy watching!

Classically, Sofia.

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